More About Us
The Team Ashtyn Foundation was founded by Tory and Jennifer Schwartz on behalf of their daughter Ashtyn, who was diagnosed with leukemia shortly after her third birthday. Their vision is to benefit local families going through similar battles with childhood cancer by offering small magical moments for children with the disease. The magical moment may be sending the family to a ball game or a production in Denver, possibly a day at the spa, or just a nice family dinner if the situation allows.
Having lived the situation, the family is well aware of the dynamics that come into play when a child has been diagnosed with some form of cancer. It invariable puts the lives of everyone connected into a tailspin. The medical bills and travel expenses add up quickly, immediately putting new stress into the lives of those affected. Not only are families stressed by medical bills but also by stresses of job security, marital issues and the emotional state of others in the family. The efforts of the foundation are targeted to offering some kind of release for these families at the time it's most needed. Team Ashtyn hopes to help the family get their minds off the battle they are facing and allow them to do something fun that they would not have done otherwise because of finances.
This foundation was started from the Schwartz family's personal encounter with childhood cancer. The family quickly learned that their daughter's cancer did not define them, but rather encouraged them to advocate, educate and take a position to help others. No matter how small the gesture, everyone is capable of making a difference. It is their hope and dream that this foundation will ALWAYS personify Ashtyn's fighting spirit, determination and hope.