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PO Box 1344
Scottsbluff, Nebraska 69361


Fliesbach McAlister Scholarship

Fliesbach McAlister Scholarship

For high school seniors or junior college students planning to study art at a higher college in the near future. The applicant must be a resident of western Nebraska or Eastern Wyoming. The scholarship may be used at any junior college, four year college, university or trade school with an accredited art department.

Recipients are selected by the West Nebraska Arts Center. 

Information about this scholarship and a complete list or requirements is available by contacting
the West Nebraska Arts Center (WNAC) at 308-632-2226.

Our Impact - 2023

  • Funds Managed by OTCF


  • Community Grants Awarded


  • Scholarships Awarded


  • Net Assets


  • First Last * Location
    First Last * Location

    [Testimonial goes here.]

Oregon Trail Community Foundation
PO Box 1344
Scottsbluff, Nebraska 69361