Lemons (Lawrence) Scholarship
For Scottsbluff High School Graduating Seniors
One $500 scholarship will be given annually to a Scottsbluff High School graduating senior with a grade point average of 2.5 or higher. Applicants may pursue an associate’s or bachelor’s degree and attend a two- or four-year college or university. Preference will be given, but is not limited to, an applicant who has an interest in pursuing a teaching career. An alternate will also be selected.
Application forms are only available online at otcf.org
Deadline for application and supporting documents is April 1st.
Recipients will be announced in May.
The scholarship will be rescinded and awarded to the alternate if the recipient does not enroll as a fulltime student for the first semester for which the scholarship is awarded.
To qualify for the Lawrence Lemons Memorial Scholarship, students must:
- Complete the online application form and
Upload a formal letter stating: - The student’s educational and career goals
- Financial need for college expenses
- Why student believes they are deserving of the scholarship